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Learning Intention
Pressure fielding is a catching, fielding and throwing activity that leads to improved fielding skills.
Band Level
3 - 4, Skill Development
Content Description
Skill Focus
Catching, Fielding, Locomotor Movement, Throwing
- 1 foam ball per player
- 1 glove per player (optional)
- A fielder, who is 10 metres away, faces 3 or 4 players who are standing a few metres apart from each other.
- Players take turns to throw fly balls or ground balls to the fielder who must field the ball and turn and throw to a target, which is called by the player throwing the ball.
Change It...
- Decrease the throwing distance
- Players throw ground balls and fly balls
- Increase the throwing distance
- Score 1 point for every ball caught or fielded correctly and 1 point for every target hit
- Add a time limit or a throw count, ie 20 throws or 1 minute
- Can you show me how you would stand when you are ready to field a ground ball?