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Learning Intention
Fully Loaded Slow Pitch is a modified game of softball that builds on striking and fielding skills and encourages teamwork and thoughtful placement of the ball. It provides a good introduction to softball.
Band Level
3 - 4, 5 - 6, Skill Development, Game Concepts
Content Description
Skill Focus
Catching, Fielding, Shot Placement, Striking, Teamwork, Throwing
- 1 soft core ball per group
- 1 batting tee per group
- 4 bases per group
- 1 bat per group
- 5 batting helmets per group
- Strike zone mat
Fully loaded softball promotes maximum participation with more batting, more scoring, more running and minimum waiting time.
- The pitcher must land the ball on the strike zone mat
- Any ball outside the strike zone mat is a ball
- The ball must be pitched in an arc higher than the batters shoulders
- Bases are loaded at the start of every inning
- Each batter in the line-up hits once per inning, regardless of the number of outs
- Rotate lead-off batter each inning
- The last three batters from the previous inning start on base the next inning
- Base runners can run on fly balls, no need to tag up
- No sliding
- No tagging base runners
- A runner is out if the fielding team get the ball to the base ahead of the runner
- Recommend playing 3 innings or 45 minutes
Change It...
- Move the bases further apart or closer depending on the age and ability of the participants
For full rules please refer to: https://fullyloadedsoftball.com.au/schools