
Parent helpers are vital!

Parents are a key component of a successful club program. Their expertise can provide knowledge and wisdom to the club from which growth and development can occur.  Parents can use the section of the participant registration to indicate their willingness to assist with the program.

Parents/volunteers need to be kept informed and encouraged to be involved. One of the positive elements of Softball Batter Up is that parents/volunteers do not need to be softball experts. In fact, you don’t even need to be an experienced coach or softballer to deliver a fun and engaging program.

Get Educated

If you would like to get involved, and or help your kids learn at home, why not learn about coaching softball?  The Softball Batter Up Coaching Induction offers a great deal of information about coaching but also teaches you how and where to access the resources in this website.  The course is designed for you to learn in your own time and to develop the confidence to run fun and engaging sessions with your own kids or a team.

Start your journey now, jump to the My-Courses section of this website and start today with the Softball Batter Up Coaching Induction.


Your Host Coordinator can develop a roster of parents/volunteers to assist. Tasks will be allocated in advance to ensure you’re aware of your responsibilities at each session.