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Learning Intention
Around the world is a fun activity that introduces gross motor movement and spatial awareness.
Band Level
F - 2, Skill Development
Content Description
Skill Focus
Balancing, Catching
- 1 ball per player
- Players pass the ball quickly hand to hand around their waist.
- As players advance, they pass the ball around their knees and ankles.
- Players pass the ball between their knees forming a figure 8.
- Knees apart and bending forward, players drop the ball from behind their back and quickly move their hands to the front to catch the ball before it hits the ground.
- Explore and ask the players to invent their own passes.
Change It...
- Players can work in pairs
- Players come up with their own movement patterns
- Introduce a second ball
- Explore and ask the players to invent their own passes
- Can you show me another type of pass we can try?