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Learning Intention
Target throw and run refines accurate throwing/rolling and develops fielding skills including communication with other fielders.
Band Level
3 - 4, Skill Development
Content Description
Skill Focus
Catching, Fielding, Throwing
- 1 batting tee per group
- 1 foam ball per group,
- 1 target (bin, bucket, stumps) per group
- 1 glove per player (optional)
- Play with 6 or less. Players score 1 run each time they hit a target.
- 1 player throws a ball at a target and then runs to a base and back, before fielders place the ball on the batting tee.
- Throwers score 1 run each time they hit a target.
Change It...
- Players throw the ball at the target
- What can you do as a team to stop runs being scored?